Approval of Agenda/Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance/Introduction of Visitors/Recognitions-Recognition of Persons Recently Appointed to Administrative Positions/Recognition of the Virginia High School League Spring State Champions and RunnersUp/Recognition of the Central Office Employee of the Month for July and August/HCPS Mission Statement
Instruction-Spotlight on Secondary Reading
Public Forum
Approval of Minutes/Instruction-Acceptance of the StartUp Grant for Extended School Year-Acceptance of Henrico Education Foundation Cycle I Innovative and Focus Grant Funding for 20162017
Instructional Support-Approval of 20162021 Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted/Finance and Administration-Approval of Proposed Revisions to Policy P608001, “Report Cards/Interim Reports”/Operations-Approval of Proposal for Construction Observation and Material Testing at Multiple Schools/Approval of Proposal for Pavement Improvements at Hermitage High School/Consent Items-Acceptance of the Monthly Financial Statement and Budgetary Status Report for the Month Ending June 30, 2016-Acceptance of the Monthly Financial Statement for School Nutrition Services Operation for the Month Ending June 30, 2016/Approval of Pupil Transportation Employee Appointments and Releases/Approval of Personnel Items/Approval of New Members to the Henrico Education Foundation/Items Presented by the Superintendent-Consideration of Requests for Readmission of Students/Items Presented by the School Board-Unfinished Business Items Presented by the School Board/New Business Items Submitted by the School Board/Announcement of Meeting Dates/Adjournment